Electronic Vehicle Diagnostics
Our electronic vehicle diagnostics identify exactly what the problem is with your vehicle, allowing us to suggest a solution for you in order to get your vehicle up and running again. By using cutting edge diagnostic equipment, we can quickly and accurately diagnose vehicle faults from bad wiring to failed modules.
We offer mileage resets (due to damaged dashboards), ECU replacements, Corsa D BSI and ECU, Ford P.A.T.S adaptations.
Electronic Vehicle Diagnostics
ECU & BSI Reset
Corsa D is renowned for ECU and BSI failures, we can quickly rectify and reset modules to have your car working properly again.
With all car brands and manufacturers, we offer roadside & garage service for BSI and ECU resets. With our network of manufacturers and suppliers, we can order in any necessary parts needed to accurately repair your vehicle.
ECU & BSI Reset